Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Oh man I am so far behind on this activities thing.  Once I get this post done I should start working on April activities. :)
I have been a bad blogger lately. 
Stress, stress, and more grey hairs.


A month full of green, green, green!!!

These are cute & super duper easy King Cakes I made for our Mardi Gra celebration.  You take 2 cans of Cinnamon rolls (that come with icing) you separate & straighten putting them in kind of a circle sort of braid thing.  You bake according to Cinnamon roll directions or until not doughy & done. Let cool.  You top with the 2 things of icing that came with the Cinnamon rolls.  You then separate out 3 bowls of sugar and add food coloring to each bowl.  One purple, one, green, and one yellow.  Sprinkle GENEROUSLY with different colors sugars. And you got yourself a super simple King Cake. ***The pic above is done with 4 cinnoman roll cans.

Residents decorated Mardi Gra masks with glitter, beads, feathers, pipe cleaner and pretty much anything craft supply I could find.  Some even hot glued their beads to their masks.

Painting with newspaper or Newspaper Art.  Basically we crumpled up newspaper pieces and dipped in paint and blotted onto canvas/paper.  Abstract Art.

Simple things for cooking class.  This month we made Chocolate Covered Peanut Butter Filled Bugles.  All you need is Bugles, peanut butter, and melted chocolate.  You spoon peanut butter into the funnel part of the bugle and then you dip it into the melted chocolate and put on wax paper to dry.  These Bugles were only dipped in chocolate on the ends, but you can dip the whole Bugle in chocolate.

Shamrock Crowns.  

Shamrock Necklaces.

St. Patrick's Day Party time.  Residents wore their Shamrock Crowns & Shamrock Necklaces to the St. Patricks Day Party. We ate green cookies and drank green punch and watched some cute little ladies called The Dancing Queens boogie down for us.  Everything was decked out in green, green, green and everyone wore green, green, green.

March Birthday party with yummy cake.

The Dirt Canyon Band rocked out our March birthday party.

Some other activities that we did this month that I do not have pictures of:

Our Red Hat ladies decorated cupcakes with green icing and green sprinkles. They ate their cupcakes and passed out the rest to staff and other residents. The Red Hat ladies all wear their different cute little red hats to the meetings.

We played the Wheel of Fortune game. Pretty simple.  Use a large dry erase board and put dashes where there are suppose to be letters and a category title.  Participants guess letters.  If they guess a letter that is in the phrase they get a dime.  If they solve the puzzle they get a quarter. Good for the brain and good for the pocket book.

We started playing a game called I Want It Game. Depending on your players will depend on how many prizes you have, because ideally you would like each player to walk away with one thing.  Although that does not always happen.  Your prizes can be a can of soda, candy bar, stuffed animals, figurines, paper fans, bag of chips and anything little thing you can think of.  And then there is the IT.  The IT is an envelope that has money in it as much as your budget allows.  I do $3-$5 depending on my budget.  Each player has a cloth napkin they keep in their lap.  All the prizes are laid out on the table.  You need 2 decks of cards.  One deck for you and one deck for the players.  You go around the table and deal out all the cards so each player has the same amount of cards.  You may have a few left over.  Just lay aside.  The players have their cards laid out in front of them face up.  You then use the other deck to call out card numbers.  The player that has that card gets to pick something on the table they want and they turn over their used card.  That player then puts their prize under the napkin in their lap.  As the game goes on and the prizes have all been taken off the table players can take prizes from other players.  They just have to remember what the prize is they want and who has the prize by pointing to that person.  This is a great memory game.  Players do not have to wait until all prizes are off the table before taking from other players though.  Once every card has been called and every players cards are face down the game is over and the prizes you have under your napkin are yours to keep.

We also started a new game this month called Pokeno.  This is a game you can use decks of cards & bingo chips or you can buy the Pokeno game that comes with 12 playing cards. Pokeno is a game sort of like poker and Bingo mashed together.  The Pokeno cards have playing cards on them that go five across and five down.
Each player gets a playing card and chips.  The game also comes with a deck of cards.  You call out the cards and the player covers that card with a chip if they have it.  Once they get five across, down, diagnol, etc they yell Pokeno and win.  We do candy prizes or quarter prizes. Just a change from the same old Bingo game.

Peace, Love, & Hugs

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