Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Living with an addict is like...
Posted by Emmy on August 5, 2008 at 9:22pm
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"making" a daybed all by yourself.

You put one corner of the sheet on, then run down to the other side and put another corner on. When you get that corner on, the other one pops off the mattress. You look at it, narrow your eyes, start to walk that way and then stop and decide to leave that corner alone for a while.
You decide to put the sheet on one end at a time, but when you go to put the opposite corner of the one you just put on, you can't get it down on the mattress because the mattress is too close to the wall and you just can't reach down there far enough to tuck the corner away tightly. So you gently sliiide your hand under it and lift it up. Just when it looks like you'll get the sheet over the mattress, it slips out of your hand and falls back down. This time you grab it with both hands, lift it up a little less gentle, very uncomfortably position yourself to prop the mattress up with one knee and force the sheet over the mattress. You then drop the mattress and move down to the corner you left alone for a minute. There it lay, just waiting for you to pick it up and neatly tuck it away. Again. But where does it need to go? Right there against the wall in that tight, hard to reach place. You pick it up, it falls, pick it up, it falls, you grab hold of it tightly, fling it up, shove your leg under it to hold it up and quickly pull the sheet over the corner as tight as you can and hope it stays this time. You drop the mattress down and think to yourself "Wow, I'm getting pretty good at this!" You gently grab that last corner, feeling pretty good, feeling a little relief to know the end is near, you're almost done! You carefully tuck it away.
You go ahead, throw your pillows up on the bed, grab your blanket and plop down on your bed, all the time telling yourself "Go ahead, you deserve it after what you've just been through trying to get that damn sheet on!" You lay down, let out a deep sigh and let yourself sink into the bed, let it envelop you in its warm, comfy, inviting softness. You lay there for awhile, just enjoying the moment, the peace. Several moments pass and you grab your blanket, tuck it between your knees and roll over...

And I'll be damned if that damned corner doesn't pop the fuck off again!!!!