Monday, September 13, 2010


Did a little thrifting this weekend.  I heart thrifting.  It is rather addicting.  Ended up finding a dark purple (one of the colors for Fall Fashion) long sleeve with the tags still on it.  SCORE!  And also found a light purple cardigan with tags still on. DOUBLE SCORE! Found a cute pair of slacks for work (oh yea if I only had a job to wear them to). Also found a denim (also another fall fashion must have) button down.  Kind of looks western is with the snap buttons.  Thought is was cute.
I'm hoping to hit up one thrift store a week.  Posting pictures of treasures found & treasures bought. I love posting thrifting photography, cause sometimes you find some.....odd stuff that you would never buy but Lord you MUST have a picture of that. 
While we were out this weekend I came a across a vest that was covered in cats.  It was the ugliest thing you have ever seen, but it gave me a giggle.  My camera was messed up so I didn't get a picture of it sadly.  It was a h00t.  It reminding me of the time "The Sisters" and I went out and this guy came over to our table hitting on one of "The Sisters" he got into this rant about how we were all cats and how we were all going to come back as cats.  That entire weekend we all kept "meowing" and pretending to lick our paws.
This is the only photo I took this weekend of our thrifting.

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