Monday, September 13, 2010


Going to make some changes to my blog.  A little organization for the unorganized to help me blog better.  I'm one of those that works better from  TO DO LIST. So I'm going to start some daily things to help me keep up and I will also have some random things because they just aren't something that changes on a weekly basis.

So here is the line up:
Monday - MEAL PLAN MONDAY -featuring a new recipe to try for the week.
Tuesday - TUNES-DAY TUESDAY -featuring new or good music.
Wednesday - WEEKEND GUIDE WEDNESDAY -ideas for the weekend.
Thursday - STYLE-SPIRATION THURSDAY -cute styles found in photos.
Friday - ETSY FINDS FRIDAY -cool/awesome/rad stuff found on Esty.
Saturday - HOME-SPIRATION SATURDAY -home decor ideas/photos.
Sunday - SPIRITUAL SUNDAY -quotes, Bible verses, inspiration.

And then these will be random (maybe monthly, maybe bimonthly) blogging titles:
WHAT AM I READING? -the book that I am reading now.
GET CRAFTY -crafts I am working on or crafts I found and want to do.
QUOTE ME -cool quotes I find.
TREASURES FOUND -cool things I find Thrifting.
PICTURE A RANDOM -pictures I have taken.
POETRY PARK -poetry that I find inspiring and need to share.
DIRTY MIND -random picture found on the net.
RECIPES RIDGE -along with the weekly recipe I may post other good ones found.

And I am sure I will think of more to add, but this is a good start to keep me on track.

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