Monday, February 22, 2010


Today is the day I start my new career adventure. I am excited as a kid in a candy store and scared as toddler starting preschool.
Words of wisdom from Monkey Boy: "The only person thinking about you being a new hire or that even cares you are a new hire is you."
It's true though. People always go into a new job thinking everyone is looking at them but in reality when you work somewhere where there is a new hire you pretty much just say "nice to meet you" and get back to your job.
I won't really see the ins and outs of everything today. Today is a entire day or orientation.
I'm ready to start this new adventure and hope to the excitement out weighs the fear and honestly just hope to totally KICK ASS at it.
It is the perfect opportunity for my personality, my style.....just perfect for me, and the fear comes from not wanting to screw up. The excitement is just overwhelming and I have so many ideas to bring to this facility I can't wait to share them.
Welcome to the New Adventures of Far From Perfect....Activities Director!

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