Saturday, December 11, 2010


Yep I's Saturday, but trying to keep blog titles consistent so...........................

When I first started college I was an art major.  Followed by an Accounting major because I didn't think I would be able to make good money in art.  Followed by a Business major because after taking a tax accounting class I about jumped out the window.
Any-who after I moved I found my old portfolio so on this cold and cold and......uhm cold Saturday I decided to dig through it.  Here are some of the things I found:
 I really suck at drawing people.  I tried to do a portrait of P-Nut when he was a baby, but it ended up looking creepy so I turned it into a creepy angel.
 Flowers I guess with pastels.
These were self portraits.  I totally suck at people. I remember being in my parents garage all hours of the night looking at a mirror and looking at myself and trying to do all these self portraits we had to do.  It was misery.
 I was flipping through a magazine and there was a home with a wall completely covered in pictures and art.  One of the pictures on the wall was a black and white crucifix picture and I thought it was the most beautiful thing.  At that time I was having a hard time and struggling with religion because of some losses I had in my life.  So this was good for me.
 I always loved Jackson Pollock's work.  Apparently this is where this painting was heading.
 I can't remember the artist name that we had to take his work and replicate it, but this was one of them.
 Flowers? :)
 Partly eaten apple.
 All gone apple. :)
This was like backwards charcoal work.  We had to cover the whole page in charcoal and then erase out the light. Fun.
Another one of those artist replica ones.
Shadows, I guess.

I forgot how much I enjoyed these art classes.  I have even more photos of the work I did I may post on another flash back day.

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