I have never in my life sent out so many resumes and received so little phone calls from my resume. You use to stick your resume on Monster or CareerBuilder and not even submit it to anyone and you would get phone calls from random. Now I'm submitting my resume.....

.....to around a dozen different companies a day and barely getting a phone call here or there. I'm so discouraged. I've never had a harder time in my life finding....SOMETHING...ANYTHING. My resume is like a jack of all trades resume. I'm one of those people that knows a little about a lot. I can slither into any job, have it down, and be bored in 3 months. So I've done a lot of different things in a lot of different industries. Now I'm applying to all those industries and my phone........sounds like a tumble weed in the desert with The Doors.............uhm.........SILENT.
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