So after 10 years my husband has grown more than tired of my "piles of junk" all over the house and in drawers and here and there and everywhere. So I finally created a little space of my own. I still need more organization and some little storage things for all my "junk" but this will do for the time being.
No I still haven't finished these letters to go up in my kitchen, but only one more letter to go. They will say E-A-T once I'm done. I've just been lazy.
After posting the streamer/flag craft-spiration I decided to make my own. This is as far as I've got so far. Think these will go into my kitchen also.
Just a random project I came up with with the alphabet. I have all the letters glued on the fabric but still need to glue the fabric or sew the fabric together and onto a board. This will look cool when it's done I think. I really like this project.

Sure I will start some more projects before I finish these above, especially now that I have a little space to spread out all my "piles of junk" and "junk."
Got lots of creative ideas swimming around in my head.
What are you working on?
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