She had lived a long life and it was her time to go and her family was there with her until the end.
I felt sadness and heartache but I knew in my heart that this woman had lived a long life. A life that a lot of part I would know nothing about. A childhood long gone and probably beautiful and from her age probably hard. A life of children and grand children and maybe great grandchildren. A life that although only a tiny bit I got to be a part of over the past 3 months. I spoke to her, touched her, and watched her change from here to almost there.
It made me think if I had the choice. If I could choose between dying suddenly and dying peacefully in a bed with my family sitting around....what would I choose?
I decided today if I got to choose I would choose the ladder. I was sadden to see her go, but I know in my heart she is with all those that went before and she is with her King. I know in my heart she lived a long life and it was just her time to go to her Lord.
I shed tears for a woman I have only known for three months and for the heartache I knew her family was going through. I was right outside her door when she took her last breath. And I felt sadness and peace all at once. I went outside to take a breath, have a smoke, and get away....and I felt the breeze on my face and appreciated it....more. I couldn't wait to get home to spend the evening with my family. I sat in my driveway and watched my kids play. I watched my 3 year old practice riding his bike without training wheels.
It reminded me of the movie Steal Magnolias when the mother says "life goes on" cause it does. Even though that family is in sadness tonight the world around them goes on and eventually they will jump back into it.
Because through all the losses that I have experienced, even the ones I felt I wouldn't get through.......eventually one day I was myself again. And I know eventually this family will be their self again.
My heart and prayers goes out to Ms. *****'s family and I hope to meet you again in heaven someday Ms. *****. Rest in Peace.
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