Saturday, March 3, 2012


Here are 5 ways to express gratitude through yoga.
1. Let your intention be to appreciate every moment. Savor the breath in your lungs, the air on your skin, and the stretching sensation in your hamstrings.
2. Make your movements an offering. I remember how thankful I am whenever my hands are pressed together at my heart in Anjali Mudra and when I come to standing at the end of a Sun Salute.
3. Count your blessings instead of your breaths. It's nearly impossible to do this for an entire practice session, but I love to spend one long held pose (Pigeon is a good one) thinking of one thing I'm grateful for with each breath.
4. Focus on the positive. It's easy to get frazzled by what you perceive as shortcomings on the mat--maybe you're not as flexible as you used to be or an injury is inhibiting movement. Make a commitment to use your yoga practice to observe all the amazing things you CAN do instead and gratitude will spill over into other areas of your life as well.
5. Never skip Savasana. Nothing makes me thankful like a nice, long Corpse Pose after an intense yoga class. All the gratitude meditations in the world can't match the experience that comes when tired muscles finally get to melt into the floor. That's gratitude at its best.

SOURCE: Nector

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