Monday, June 6, 2011



Yoga enthusiasts are well aware of the fabulous benefits of a strong yoga practice; improved flexibility, strength, toned lean muscles and a calm centered disposition. All of these benefits can have nothing but a positive impact on one’s sex life. Our relationships operate on a physical, mental and spiritual as does yoga we will examine how a consistent yoga practice can enliven and transform your sex life with your beloved.

It is not necessary for both partners to practice yoga for you to see improvement in your experience, however, the benefits of you both practicing will be exponentially increased if you both practice. If you can arrange to practice together it can be a wonderful way to ground and strengthen your relationship outside of the bedroom. And it’s really a lot of fun.

Many of the aspects that make Yoga so wonderful can also serve to improve your experience in the bedroom. In yoga we seek to unify the movements of the body with the breath. Simply being mindful of the breath and coordinating movements helps to relax and free your mind. When you are with your beloved, applying this simple concept of slowing things down and being mindful of the breath, matching breath with movement–all in concert with your partner can dramatically change the nature of your encounters.

Women who have been practicing yoga might notice how their improved flexibility, strength and control over their body helps them enjoy their sexual experiences even more. Yoga helps you to become acutely aware of your body and as you become more knowledgeable about your own body you will begin to feel more in touch with what pleases you. As you communicate on a deeper level with your partner, you will learn more about what pleases them.

Another of the benefits of practicing yoga is increased confidence, which is very attractive and sexy. You may feel more empowered to explore many new sexual positions, which can be compared to Yoga asanas (poses). Inspired by the Kama Sutra, which is an ancient volume in Sanskrit full of instruction about the art of making love, couples can explore new ways to pose and move their bodies in order to find even more pleasure and fulfillment.

Yoga increases flexibility and blood flow while also strengthening the muscles of the pelvic floor area along with the sex organs thereby making for better, more powerful orgasms, and it can also play a role in curing men with premature ejaculation.

So, if you seek a way to transform your sex life and get closer to your beloved, Yoga could be the answer.

SOURCE: Yoga is Life

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