Wednesday, December 1, 2010


So I started working on a to do list for the next year or a goal list for the next year.  It's call 35 Before 36.  It's a list of 35 things I want to do over the next year before I turn 36. I got this awesome idea from A Beautiful Mess, and I thought it is a great idea. I was very inspired and all Gung-Ho and let me tell you it is hard to come up with 35 things.  So far I have 19......

I have had a lot of changes in my life lately, but changes I feel are for the better.  I am very happy and feeling like the real me.  Hello's been awhile.  Yes....yes it has.  So I really wanted to work on this list to have some goals and some dreams and things to look forward to.  Just because I'm 35 doesn't mean I have lost my joy of dreaming and goal setting.  I gots a lot to do people.

While I don't want to go into great detail of my life changes lately it got me to thinking.  Would I do anything different?  Would I change anything?
The answer: NEVER.
I wouldn't change a thing.  Not one single thing. I would go through every pain, every ache, every loss, every abuse, every heart break, every single tear....again and again and again......for this:
and this:
If I had it do do every again I would do it exactly the same way. Why would I change anything when one little thing changed in my bizarre life might keep me from having these 2 wonderful, adorable, smart, funny, crazy boys.

And think of it this way.....if you did do it over again and didn't change anything you'd also get to have all the fun, dances, love, joys, & laughter again too. a new journey has begun......and of course their is going to be fun.  SO....I have started my 35 Before 36 List.  Some are simple, some are weird, some are cool.
Here are a few:

Go to Venice Beach again
Sell my photography
Take the boys on at least one adventure a week
Cook one new recipe a week (and blog about it)
Get a Turtle and name him John Lennon or Offbeat Pete
Meditate daily
Take the boys on a road trip vacation this summer
Get better at sewing
Create at least one thing a month (and blog about it)
Go thrifting once a month

Well that's a taste.  They are no rocket scientist goals, but DUH I'm not a rocket scientist. Some are one time things and some are continuing things.  But I'm excited about goals over the next I just got to come  up with 35 of them.

So do you have things you want to do before your next bday? Let's get on it.

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