Monday, December 31, 2012


I wasn't going to do New Year's Resolutions this year. I read an article on not wording your resolutions as "I will" or I will not" as it seems to feel like you are setting up for failure when you do or don't do what them. Instead writing resolutions as "I am." I decided to give this a try.
As I have been re-obsessed with Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass lately I thought maybe I would write my resolutions as a poem. Cheesy? Yes I am. :)
Also I have been reading The Yoga Sutras, so my first resolution "honesty, truth, cleanness, obedience" is a line from that book.
Here's to a loving & fabulous 2013.

Resolutions, Solutions, Intentions

I am honesty, truth, cleanness, obedience.
I am yoga and meditation (as daily as possible).
I am eating to live (not living to eat, and healthy, greens more conscious of what goes in my body).
I am closing (at least) 30 loans a month (with improved quality with each month that passes).
I am a patient, listening, kind, playful mother (bringing love and joy to my boys life. Living by example).
I am living love (giving love to each and every living being).
I am living without judgement (without anger or resentment, living in the present).
I am improving my heart and my health (with cardio at least 3 times a week).
I am with great joy a dog owner (hopefully in the Spring).
I am consuming less and wasting less (only purchasing what is necessity, cutting back on unnecessary  If a "need" pops into my mind I will wait 5 days before deciding to purchase, ridding the impulse purchase).
I am bringing home more than I am spending.
I am traveling to one new place (each year).
I am giving my time (volunteering at least once a month).
I am pursuing my love of photography.
I am (finally and fully) learning Italian.

Peace & Love

1 comment:

aarongrey112 said...

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Aaron Grey